Sunday, October 16, 2011





My images come from Fantastic Mr. Fox, but compare the lead characters (the foxes) to a supporting character Kylie. 
            With the picture of the foxes we find various brighter hues in the color scheme.  Mr. Fox contains an analogue color scheme composed of his orange fur and off-white red pinstriped shirt.  Mrs. Fox also contains orange fur but is accented by a redish hued dress.  As for the younger foxes, Ash and Christopherson, we see Ash with just the orange Hue, and Christopherson with a grey Hue analogued by his blue shirt.  Together the foxes create a split complimentary color scheme, with the use of Chirstopherson’s softer blue and grey colors.  All of these colors are fully saturated with the orange being very deep accented by a washed out saturated white; the same goes for Christopherson’s grey fur.  The colors saturate out to black around their facial features creating accents that help make their faces come to life.
            A hand held lamp in the foreground, which casts a dark shadow behind all the foxes, creates the lighting in this shot.  The light is warm which casts a positive feeling around the characters and helps symbolizes they are the protagonists of this story.  This can also be said for their color scheme as their combination of colors can be said to represent a thrist for action (orange), intellect (light yellow), understanding (light blue), and love (light red).
            KIley’s color scheme (image 2) is also an analogue scheme as his grey fur is accented by a green vest and hat.  His saturations are all dark along with the value of his colors.  The saturations fall into full olive green with few black accents and the grey in his face holds a dark saturation as well. The lighting for Kiley is focused on his face casting a shadow on his right shoulder and the background of his chair.  The light is seemingly fluorescent and gives off a very neutral feel to the character overall in terms of mood. 
            This was more than likely done to emphasize his supporting role part, for Kiley isn’t a negative character.  In fact his colors stand for peace.  With that in mind Kiley is simply a peaceful character, but not as important as the foxes, explaining his fluorescent lighting compared to their warm lighting and why he is in the background instead of the foreground of Image 1.

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